How To Get Rid Of Excess Weight
Is there anything that can be done to get rid of that excess weight? It isn't just people who don't exercise but its also those who don't eat healthy that might result in being over weight.
Is there anything that can be done to get rid of excess weight? The good news is that there is a solution and this article will discuss some of the ways to get rid of excess weight.
Excess weight can be water weight or fat either way it doesn't matter because if you are reading this article you are looking for ways to get rid of it right! A balanced work out and healthy diet is essential in the process of losing weight.
As most of us are always busy or lazy to hit the gym or go on a drastic diet, a faster and simpler way is usually the preferred choice.
Fast has a different meaning to different people the hardworking ones and the ones that prefer a simpler solution.
The realistic way is set a side some time for light workouts that don't take up much of your time as well as exercises that can be done anywhere.
1)For example assume a push up position using your fore arms and hold that position for 60 seconds do 3 reps,this exercise is very effective if done everyday and night 2 hours after dinner and this mainly concentrates on the stomach.
2) walk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes.
It burns 100 calories 3)Take a 15 walk right after dinner this helps with digestion which also burns a little fat.
Hey better losing a little every day than gaining right.
4) wake up early and go for a 10 minute brisk walk and burn 100 calories 5) Do house work, clean, mop, wash dishes etc.
This helps burn a little more fat and if you do all of it then you will be burning a fair amount and reach your goal quicker.
Don't eat very late that the next thing to do is to go to bed.
You should eat at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.
Last but not least eat healthy and this is hard to do but no effort no results right.
Avoid fatty foods, foods that contain a lot of oil especially at night, try have more greens for dinner rather than juicy steak, well at least till you get that slimmer body that you have been dreaming of.
Have spaghetti napolitana with steamed chicken or spaghetti with olive oil and crushed almonds.
This food has good fat that helps get rid of bad fat.
Set goals and stick to it and before you know it you will have a slimmer healthier body or maybe a really sexy one that attracts the opposite sex like how bees are to honey.