Article Writing - Write a 7 Tips Article to Fast Track Writing Your eBook with Articles
I want to expand a little bit on the power of a 7 tips article.
Let's say we take a seven tips or reasons article.
Then you write an article for each tip.
Then within that tip you come up with seven suggestions for that particular tip.
Those seven suggestions for each particular tip are subheadings in a chapter.
So you are well on your way to writing a book or an e-book from one seven tip article.
Do you follow that? Not required to be hardPeople talk about writing a book takes so long and so hard.
It can be, but if you break it down into manageable chunks, it's not.
If you wrote a tip a day, boom, and then a tip for that tip, you'd be at a full e-book real soon.
Let's say you wrote a seven tips article for each tip.
You wrote a tip for each of those seven tips from the original article.
That is seven chapters.
Write a little bit more for each chapter.
Do the heart dump, the brain dump.
Give an example, a case study, a quote, a music lyric.
Explain how that fits.
Beef that up to five to eight pages, again from one tip.
Boom, you've got an e-book, conclusion, intro, bonuses etc.
You've got your e-book.
This is why this is considered the most powerful article writing template because of how many things you can do with it.
You now have an ebook based on one 7 tips article.
Let's say we take a seven tips or reasons article.
Then you write an article for each tip.
Then within that tip you come up with seven suggestions for that particular tip.
Those seven suggestions for each particular tip are subheadings in a chapter.
So you are well on your way to writing a book or an e-book from one seven tip article.
Do you follow that? Not required to be hardPeople talk about writing a book takes so long and so hard.
It can be, but if you break it down into manageable chunks, it's not.
If you wrote a tip a day, boom, and then a tip for that tip, you'd be at a full e-book real soon.
Let's say you wrote a seven tips article for each tip.
You wrote a tip for each of those seven tips from the original article.
That is seven chapters.
Write a little bit more for each chapter.
Do the heart dump, the brain dump.
Give an example, a case study, a quote, a music lyric.
Explain how that fits.
Beef that up to five to eight pages, again from one tip.
Boom, you've got an e-book, conclusion, intro, bonuses etc.
You've got your e-book.
This is why this is considered the most powerful article writing template because of how many things you can do with it.
You now have an ebook based on one 7 tips article.