Longevity - Want to Live Longer and, More Importantly, Healthier?
So what, you may ask, do they do to live so much longer than the average USA citizen of 78 years? Actually the astonishing part is that other countries have significantly lower incidences of cancer, heart disease, and almost no Alzheimer's or other dementia.
Here are some of the ideas I have assembled from my readings.
You probably cannot incorporate all of them into your lifestyle, but even a few may add some healthy years to your life.
First, try to increase the amount of greens in your diet.
In fact you should try as large a variety as possible.
The darker the greens, the better they are for you.
It may take a while to get used to some greens but they often have higher levels of antioxidants than red wine (and lower calories too!).
Second, in most of these countries, tea is a daily ritual and it is made from steeping fresh herbs in hot water.
Not the usual American method of making tea but instead done with fresh wild mint or chamomile or many other available herbs, it can lower blood pressure decreasing the risk of heart disease and dementia.
Third, clocks are everywhere, but if we can get organized and not try to cram too much into our days, we would be able to lower our stress.
Lowering stress reduces the risk of almost every disease from osteoporosis to wrinkles.
Who wouldn't like to reduce wrinkles? Fourth, in many countries afternoon naps or siestas are the norm.
It has been shown in scientific studies that regular 30-minute naps decrease the risk of heart attack.
My husband is a great example of this very thing.
He is in his "sunset years" and still looks, acts, and feels terrific.
On most days, he does take a nap but only for a short 30 minutes.
It may be difficult to fit in but if you can, you will certainly benefit.
These are only four of the habits I discovered for living not only longer but also healthier.
Most point to an increase in antioxidants from healthy eating as well as reduction in stress--so eat your greens, drink herbal teas, stay organized and do only what you can fit into your day, and take naps.
You will live longer and feel wonderful.