Make Your Next Blog Post Go Viral
1. Introduction
Be sure that your introduction doesn't bore your readers to death. The goal you are looking to achieve with the introduction, is telling the reader exactly what they are going to get out of your article. While some may skip over the introduction, others will look to it for information.
2. A Great Headline
Your headline can be the most important part of your post in determining just how far it will go. You really need to put the proper amount of time and effort into creating a great headline.
In other words, spend more time coming up with a killer headline and the chances of your post going viral will greatly increase.
I think it's a good idea to craft your headline in a way that will intrigue your readers. You can promise them you are going to solve a problem, but put a little mystery in the title also. Another tip is to make sure your headline conveys a sense of urgency to get them to read it now.
3. Make Sure Your Post Is Great
Your headline has set the stage, it is a promise to your readers. It's job is to clearly communicate the benefit your reader will receive in exchange for their precious time.
Now, a great headline with a low quality post will only do you harm. If your goal is to see your post go viral,but you provide poor content, you will only fail. Great headlines alone are not responsible for viral posts, but they must be coupled with outstanding content.
If you write a how- to article, you have a greater chance of going viral in my opinion, because they are always going to fill a need for the reader. Remember, always make sure your post measures up to the promise in your headline. If you will stay true to this, you will see more readers and they may in turn start to spread your post around and create a viral effect.
A List Post is also another popular type of post for a viral campaign.
A list post is a great choice to write because they are fun to read and can be very informative. Also, if your list is good enough, your readers will share your post with all their friends in social media. Some of the most popular blogs around get their most readers from their list posts.
One more type of post that has a higher potential of going viral is the case study.
Readers love to learn about something based on an actual real experience. Case studies have two things going for them, not only are they informative, but your reader can easily visualize themselves taking the same actions and getting results.
Trying to write blog posts that go viral, may not be easy, but if you will follow a proven plan of action, you will give yourself a much greater chance of finding success. Vist me at