How to Tell Your Husband You Are Pregnant With Twins
- 1). Take your husband’s personality and family background into consideration when coordinating how to break the news. A husband from a large family that includes twins may take the news much differently than a husband who is an only child. A soft-spoken, timid husband may take the news much differently than a loud, boisterous husband. Adjust your approach to fit the needs of your household situation.
- 2). Set aside personal time to discuss the good news with your husband. Quiet time may be necessary in order to help ready yourself to deliver the life-changing news, and to help ease your husband into the idea of twins. Adjust your schedule to make room for the important disclosure. Although your husband may have been aware of your pregnancy, it may still be a shock that you’re carrying twins.
- 3). Show your husband the ultrasound pictures. This is often the best approach if you’re at a loss for words or are unsure of your husband’s reaction. Relax as you let the vivid ultrasound pictures provide all the evidence of the impending birth of your twins. Present the pictures when he gets home and brace yourself for his reactions. Try not to let your facial expressions give away the big surprise.
- 4). Allow your husband to have his own reaction first. Since you’ve had time to express your inner emotions, it’s especially important to give your husband time to express his. Your husband may feel overwhelmed or even terrified by your pregnancy news. Don’t hound him for a favorable reaction. Let him have time to internalize his own emotions instead of giving him an opinion. Remember, your husband will have to adjust to the idea of you being pregnant with twins.
- 5). Provide a shoulder to lean on if necessary. You may find that you need to be a source of comfort for your husband as he learns of your new family dynamic. Don’t hold this against your husband. Use this time to talk about fears as well as expectations regarding the pregnancy. Realize that both of you will undergo changes while you adjust to the pregnancy.