Be As Happy As You Can Be
Being happy is your choice. You can be happy whenever you want. To be happy all you have to be is what you are. Most people that have become very successful in their lives tend to be very happy. They are happy because they can meet their values. When I say values I don't mean riches but rather what's most important to you.
Do your values move you towards great possibilities? Is your energy directed towards meeting your values in ways that excite you and make you stronger, capable of going for even more? When you are clear on your values, your vision is bright, and you will feel primed to go for it. So now you should know how to get the big vision that you so deserve.
1. You have to sit down and think about your values. Once you have done this you have to make sure you get clear on the values that are important to you.
2. Once you have become clear on what you want then you should set specific goals and work hard to make sure the outcome is in your favour.
3. Look around and see the people that are successful. Once you find someone that fits the mould you are looking for you can then follow their achievements to help meet yours.
4. Now that you have figured out what is going to make you happy you should go forward with everything you have and make it work. Don't take no for an answer.
5. While you are going forward you have to keep a watchful eye open to what's happening. Keep track of the things that are working and get rid of the ones that aren't working.
6. You may have to make several approaches at what you are trying to succeed but that's okay. Keep changing things up until you get the desired outcome.
Our world is moving so rapidly in today's life. That actually works in your favour because so many people are becoming successful so quickly that it gives you a chance to study these people that much quicker.
1. These people never give what they fear a second look. Instead they know what they want and they focus on that.
2. Where people are always stuck inside the box these go getters have a vision and they see outside the box.
3. These guys never question what they are doing. They are always confident in their decisions.
4. They take care of details but they don't dwell on them. Instead they see what's in the big picture.
5. These guys aren't happy waiting. They want to be successful now so that's exactly what they do.
6. These guys aren't without risk but there carefully planned, smart risks. This allows them to take fast action and be successful doing it.
So quit sitting around waiting for happiness to come to you. The happiest people take things into their own hands and they quit dwelling on the things that are out of their reach.
Dale Mazurek
Do your values move you towards great possibilities? Is your energy directed towards meeting your values in ways that excite you and make you stronger, capable of going for even more? When you are clear on your values, your vision is bright, and you will feel primed to go for it. So now you should know how to get the big vision that you so deserve.
1. You have to sit down and think about your values. Once you have done this you have to make sure you get clear on the values that are important to you.
2. Once you have become clear on what you want then you should set specific goals and work hard to make sure the outcome is in your favour.
3. Look around and see the people that are successful. Once you find someone that fits the mould you are looking for you can then follow their achievements to help meet yours.
4. Now that you have figured out what is going to make you happy you should go forward with everything you have and make it work. Don't take no for an answer.
5. While you are going forward you have to keep a watchful eye open to what's happening. Keep track of the things that are working and get rid of the ones that aren't working.
6. You may have to make several approaches at what you are trying to succeed but that's okay. Keep changing things up until you get the desired outcome.
Our world is moving so rapidly in today's life. That actually works in your favour because so many people are becoming successful so quickly that it gives you a chance to study these people that much quicker.
1. These people never give what they fear a second look. Instead they know what they want and they focus on that.
2. Where people are always stuck inside the box these go getters have a vision and they see outside the box.
3. These guys never question what they are doing. They are always confident in their decisions.
4. They take care of details but they don't dwell on them. Instead they see what's in the big picture.
5. These guys aren't happy waiting. They want to be successful now so that's exactly what they do.
6. These guys aren't without risk but there carefully planned, smart risks. This allows them to take fast action and be successful doing it.
So quit sitting around waiting for happiness to come to you. The happiest people take things into their own hands and they quit dwelling on the things that are out of their reach.
Dale Mazurek