How to Replace Mosquito Sprays With Natural Predator Controls
- 1). Stop spraying insecticides. Pesticides, especially larvicide, can kill natural predators, such as dragonflies and spiders, and harm birds and other animals.
- 2). Add mosquito fish, Gambusia Affinis, or guppies, to your outdoor pond to eat mosquito larvae. Still ponds and even small pools of water are ideal breeding areas for mosquitoes.
- 3). Build bird and bat houses and provide access to sheltered areas for other bird breeds to build their houses. For example, barn swallows like to build their mud nests under the eaves of buildings.
- 4). Encourage bird and insect predators to your yard. For example, hummingbirds like trumpet-shaped flowers and dragonflies may already be attracted to your pond, especially if you have some cattails or bulrushes growing too.