Making Designer Type Perfumes For Fun Or Profit
Just as the cost of buying them continues to rise; raking in billions of dollars for the perfume industry annually.
Top brands like Bond No9, Creed, Annick Goutal, Viktor & Rolf and others sell for $140 to $200 on average.
While the middle range famous designer ones generally retail for $50 to $120.
Surprisingly, regardless of the current financial meltdown in the world's economy, the sales of perfumes continue to sky rocket.
One of the reasons for this is because perfumes remain one of the most affordable products that men and women of any status can use to pamper themselves on a daily basis.
No matter the state of the economy.
In recent times, there has been a big explosion in the amount of people now blending their own designer type perfumes for personal use and to sell in order to bring in some extra income.
Once upon a time, most people wouldn't think twice about shelling out $80 for their favorite designer perfume every two months, however, there's been a big wind of change over the last couple of years.
The make your own perfume movement is no longer reserved to a small group of perfume enthusiasts making their own perfume.
For those who are in the know, the fact that they can blend their favorite $80 designer perfume for less than $5 makes learning to make perfumes a fun, money saving and money making hobby to take up.
What's more, many perfume hobbyists are now enjoying having the flexibility to make perfume and fragrances to suit their personal taste.
They love the fact that they are able to blend more concentrated and longer lasting, or lighter versions of their favorite brand name perfumes.
For those keen to earn extra cash from making perfume to sell, knowing that the production cost of such blends can be really small and the profit potential absolutely huge is something worth giving the highest consideration.