Christian Counseling for Debt Relief
- Christian counselors base their advice on Biblical bible image by Kalani from
Christian debt relief counselors advise wise use of resources even when such use means delaying a purchase rather than using credit. They base the decision on verses such as Proverbs 21:20, "There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up." Some counselors find a Biblical constraint against going into debt of any kind in Romans 13:8: "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." Others interpret this verse to permit responsible borrowing repaid in a timely manner, but not frivolous borrowing that results in overextension. - Jesus ordered the paying of legitimate taxes, as recorded in Matthew 22:15-22, Mark 12:13-17 and Luke 20:19-26. Legitimate Christian debt relief counselors will not offer schemes to avoid repaying honestly incurred debt, though they will assist in the development of strategies to pay off the highest interest rates first. Proverbs 37:21 describes borrowers who do not repay their debts as wicked.
- Christian counselors teach that whatever a person has is on loan from God and he is merely the temporary steward. By using resources wisely, the person glorifies God. Wise stewardship includes attention to expenses, careful investment, setting aside funds for emergencies and giving to appropriate causes. Contrary to common belief, the Bible does not condemn earning or having money. The often misquoted verse in I Timothy 6:10 reads "...the love of money is the root of all evil," as part of a longer discussion of contentment.
- Use budgetary planning tools such as the Crown Mvelopes and Money Map, offered by Crown Financial Ministries, or The Seven Baby Steps formulated by Dave Ramsey. Subscribe to informational newsletters offered by ministries like Christian Personal Finance. Most organizations offer some articles and resources at little or no charge, including regular broadcasts on Christian radio. Christian and secular bookstores carry books by Christian financial advisers such as Howard Dayton, Chuck Bentley, Dave Ramsey and the late Larry Burkett.
- Some institutions using "Christian" in their company name direct clients to secondary debt consolidation organizations. Check the references of any company before giving information regarding finances. Be wary of demands for large deposits or down payments. Genuine Christian debt relief counselors educate their clients on making better choices rather than taking over their financial affairs.
- The heart of Christian debt counseling reflects honoring God in all financial dealings.
"When we recognize that God owns everything and all blessings come from Him, our role as managers, or stewards, becomes evident. We also see the multitude of blessings for which we can be thankful.
Therefore, money is not our possession, it is God's possession. We are merely stewards, or managers. He allots different amounts to us, based on His plan and purpose for our lives, and we will be held accountable for the way we manage allotments distributed to us," according to Crown Financial Ministries.