Tips for Getting Booked As a Public Speaker
Public speaking to market your business is an excellent way to get more prospects, more clients and more cash flow quickly and efficiently into your business.
It's also an excellent way to add another stream of income into your business.
However once you decide you want to speak more, the next question is usually "What can I do to get booked as a speaker?" The biggest mistake people make is putting together a fabulous speech and then waiting for the gigs to roll in.
You cannot assume that just because you have a speech people will think of you as a speaker.
It's your job to TELL them.
Here are some tips that work and will keep working for you without a lot of effort:
It's also an excellent way to add another stream of income into your business.
However once you decide you want to speak more, the next question is usually "What can I do to get booked as a speaker?" The biggest mistake people make is putting together a fabulous speech and then waiting for the gigs to roll in.
You cannot assume that just because you have a speech people will think of you as a speaker.
It's your job to TELL them.
Here are some tips that work and will keep working for you without a lot of effort:
- Social Media: This one is easy and obvious, yet so many people ignore this option.
Make sure your friends, followers, and fans know you are a speaker and that you have a speech to deliver about your topic and who your preferred audience is. - Networking: When you meet people at live networking events, and they ask the dreaded yet inevitable, "So what do YOU do" question, make sure you include in your answer that you're a speaker and you have a speech.
Then tell them what I refer to as your speech's "sexy title.
" A "sexy title" is how you should name your speech so that will it create interest in your speech. - Put it on Your Business Card: Just like introducing yourself as a speaker will make people realize that's what you do, so will the simple act of adding the word "speaker" to your business card.
Even if you do more in your business than speak -- and most of us do -- simply tack it onto the end of your "official" title.
For example if you're an image consultant, your business card could simply read Susan Smith, Image Consultant and Speaker. - Tell Everyone You Know Personally: This one is another easy one...
send an email to your personal database of family and friends letting them know you're a speaker and to please introduce you to anyone they might know who would be interested to hear a speech about your topic.
Be specific about your topic using that sexy title again. - Email Your Customers and Subscribers: Same as the above tip...
send an email to your entire customer and prospect list with the title of your speech and tell them what audiences are ideal for you.
Then ask them to hit reply now with a suggestion about where you might be able to speak. - Go Virtual: Be willing to turn your speech into a teleseminar or webinar so you'll have greater reach and provide more convenience to your audience members.
Invite your customers and prospects to hear you speak virtually using one of the many free conference call bridge lines available.
Record your presentation and use it to market your speech even more. - Make a Video: Most event planners don't feel comfortable hiring a speaker whether free or paid sight unseen.
The perfect situation is to videotape yourself in front of an actual live audience.
That might seem like a catch 22 to video yourself in front of an audience but you can't get in front of an audience without a video.
you have two easy options: (1) You can simply stand up in your office and deliver your speech to the camera or (2) invite a few friends, colleagues, customers and prospects to your office and present the speech to them for free.
Make sure you get the whole thing on video and then use clips to market yourself on YouTube and on your website.