"Lost" Season 2 Most Shocking Plot Twists - Best Plot Twists of "Lost" Season 2
15. Rousseau and Alex Save Claire
Claire remembers that a blue-eyed teenager helped her escape from Ethan and the medical station. Then Rousseau took her close to the camp where she knew the survivors would find her. Claire, Kate, and Rousseau believe that the blue-eyed girl is Rousseau's daughter that the Others took shortly after she was born 16 years earlier.
Episode 2x15, Maternity Leave
14. Yemi on the Island
Eko posed as a priest in order to fly drugs off the island. Yemi came to stop him, and got caught in the crossfire and shot. They loaded Yemi on the plane, but kicked Eko and took off without him. The Nigerian plane that Boone and Locke had found was the same plane and Eko found Yemi's body there.
Episode 2x10, The 23rd Psalm
13. Libby Was in Santa Rosa
Libby was also a patient at the Santa Rosa Mental Institution at the same time as Hurley.
Episode 2x18, Dave
12. Michael's List
Ms. Klugh makes a list for Michael. She tells him to make up a story and get Jack Shephard, Kate Austen, Hugo Reyes, and James Ford to come, then he will get Walt back.
Episode 2x22, Three Minutes
11. Kelvin's Lie
After three years of being in the hatch and pushing the button with Kelvin, Desmond follows Kelvin outside and discovers that Kelvin had been fixing up Desmond's sailboat and was going to sail away without him. The two get into a fight and Desmond accidentally kills Kelvin, then runs back to the hatch to push the button. He is late and hieroglyphics come up on the timer while warnings sound. Once he gets the numbers in, everything returns to normal.
Episode 2x23, Live Together, Die Alone
10. Dharma Shark
A shark swims by Michael and Sawyer when they are adrift on the raft pieces. On the shark is a Dharma logo.
Episode 2x2, Adrift
9. Henry Gale's Grave
Sayid, Charlie, and Ana-Lucia return to say they found Henry's balloon. They also found a grave, which they dug up. With the man in the grave was a wallet that included a driver's license for the real Henry Gale.
Episode 2x17, Lockdown
8. Two for the Road
Michael takes the gun from Ana-Lucia, shoots her, then shoots Libby when she walks in. He then goes into the armory to let Henry out and shoots himself in the arm.
Episode 2x20, Two for the Road
7. Henry on the Dock
The Others capture Hurley, Kate, Jack, and Sawyer and take them to a dock. Henry comes onto the dock and tells Michael to leave in the boat with Walt. When Michael asks who they are, Henry says they're the good guys. They let Hurley go back to camp and tell him to tell his people not to send anyone for Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
Episode 2x23, Live Together, Die Alone
6. I Think I Crashed Your Plane
Desmond looks at the printout from The Pearl station. He notices that the day he pushed the button late was the day that Flight 815 had crashed. He tells Locke, "I think I crashed your plane." But Locke won't let him type in the code and breaks the computer so that Desmond can't.
Episode 2x23, Live Together, Die Alone