How to Cite APA Online Sources
- 1). Cite a reference in your main text using the author-date style used for print publications. After you refer to an online source's author, add the date in parentheses. If you are referring to an entire article or website, add the author and date in parentheses, with a comma in between.
- 2). Use the title of the work in quotation marks and an "n.d." to signal that no author or date is attached to the source, if that is the case.
- 3). Cite a quotation from a source without page numbers by using paragraph numbers or subheadings after the name and date.
- 1). Format your citations as closely as possible to the way you would cite a book or journal. Begin with the author's last name and first initial, and date of publication (in parentheses). Then add the title of the article, the title of the periodical (in italics), and the volume number and issue number.
- 2). Add the phrase "Retrieved from" and the full URL. If a Digital Object Identifier is available for the article, use that instead of the URL. If you must use the URL, and the source is likely to change (such as a wiki), include the date you accessed it.
- 3). Use "n. d." to indicate that there is no date attached to your online source, as may be the case with nonperiodical websites.
In-text Citations
Reference Citations