What is the Procedure for Obtaining Credit Cards?
- Mistakes on credit reports happen. Request your credit reports from the three U.S. credit bureaus at least once each year. Report errors on your credit report in writing, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Review your credit report each month until the issuer removes the errors.
- Credit card companies appreciate reliable customers. Make timely loan repayments. Automatic withdrawal from a bank account helps many people to make scheduled payments. When sending checks to your lender, allow time for the post office to deliver your check by the due date. "It's in the mail" will not help your credit score.
- Many people prefer to pay cash for goods and services. Unfortunately, paying cash does not build a credit history. Apply for a prepaid credit card. Many of these companies advertise online. Some issuers allow the cardholder to determine their credit limit by the amount of money deposited to secure the card.
Then use your card. Pay the bill when it arrives each month. Allow the credit card issuer to collect a small amount of interest on your account. Many companies cancel unprofitable credit cards.
When you have established a responsible payment history, ask the company in writing to offer an unsecured credit card. Continue to use the unsecured credit card in a responsible manner.
Check Credit Score
Timely Repayments
Pre-Paid Credit Cards