Denton Ferry RV Park, Cotter, Arkansas Rating
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Campground Review
Denton Ferry RV Park is on the banks of the White River, about 10-12 miles below Bull Shoals Dam. The park opened in March, 2000. How many campgrounds have you been to where you were met by the owner at curbside when you pulled into the park? I would rate this park a 10/10/10. We will be returning to this one!
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Campground Review
Denton Ferry RV Park is on the banks of the White River, about 10-12 miles below Bull Shoals Dam. The park opened in March, 2000. How many campgrounds have you been to where you were met by the owner at curbside when you pulled into the park? I would rate this park a 10/10/10. We will be returning to this one!
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