How to Lower the Risk of Bacterial Vaginosis
There is a lot of research happening on ways and means to prevent bacterial vaginosis, but you can also take steps to lower the risk of developing bacterial vaginal infection.
These steps can help women who have already experienced BV and also women who have not yet experienced this problem.
Here are some tips: 1) Be faithful and practice sex with only one partner.
It is well known that multiple sex partners is one of the reasons for this problem.
This step will help you to really lower the risk.
2) If you want birth control measure then use condoms instead of oral contraceptive.
Oral birth control pills work by bringing about hormonal changes that can cause an imbalance in the vaginal flora leading to development of BV.
Condom would also provide protection from other sexually transmitted diseases 3) Maintaining proper vaginal hygiene is a sure shot way to lower the risk of bacterial vaginosis.
Wash you vagina everyday with a mild soap.
Always wipe from front to back when wiping the anal / vagina area.
4) Refrain from douching because it actually removes some of the good bacteria that provide protection from BV.
This will surely help to lower the risk of BV.
5) Get a pelvic examination done regularly as per periodicity indicated by your doctor.
This will help in timely detection of BV and other problems of the vagina and pelvic region.
6) If you are on treatment for bacteria vaginosis then make sure to complete entire course of treatment even if your symptoms go away within a day or two.
This step is important to prevent recurrence.
7) Stay away from detergents and perfumes for the vaginal area.
Many of these products cause allergic reaction, rashes and itching that can further lead to development of BV.
These steps can help women who have already experienced BV and also women who have not yet experienced this problem.
Here are some tips: 1) Be faithful and practice sex with only one partner.
It is well known that multiple sex partners is one of the reasons for this problem.
This step will help you to really lower the risk.
2) If you want birth control measure then use condoms instead of oral contraceptive.
Oral birth control pills work by bringing about hormonal changes that can cause an imbalance in the vaginal flora leading to development of BV.
Condom would also provide protection from other sexually transmitted diseases 3) Maintaining proper vaginal hygiene is a sure shot way to lower the risk of bacterial vaginosis.
Wash you vagina everyday with a mild soap.
Always wipe from front to back when wiping the anal / vagina area.
4) Refrain from douching because it actually removes some of the good bacteria that provide protection from BV.
This will surely help to lower the risk of BV.
5) Get a pelvic examination done regularly as per periodicity indicated by your doctor.
This will help in timely detection of BV and other problems of the vagina and pelvic region.
6) If you are on treatment for bacteria vaginosis then make sure to complete entire course of treatment even if your symptoms go away within a day or two.
This step is important to prevent recurrence.
7) Stay away from detergents and perfumes for the vaginal area.
Many of these products cause allergic reaction, rashes and itching that can further lead to development of BV.