I Can Has Cheezburger Site Profile
Monthly Traffic: 1,356,442 visitors (as of 5/6/10)
Site Description: a single topic blog focusing on pictures and videos of adorable cats with funny captions
Similar Wesbites:Awkward Family Photos, Hipster Puppies
What Is "I Can Has Cheezburger"?:
I Can Has Cheezburger is the ultimate single-topic, meme-centric blog on the Internet. Though funny pictures of cats have been around forever (including on the walls of the Pyramids), Ben Huh's user-generated blog behemoth took the cute animal industry to another dimension.
With an I Can Has Cheezburger book on the New York Times bestseller list and the website itself generating over a million unique visitors a day, it's safe to say I Can Has Cheezburger is a viral phenomenon. Lol cats (laugh out loud, for those two of you who don't know) pay the bills now. And it's not too hard to realize why -- family friendly but hilarious cat pictures with funny captions are something EVERYONE on the Internet can get behind.
Site creator Huh's genius wasn't with the creation of the funny cat. It was maintaining the focus of his blog. There are loads of new lol cat pictures on I Can Has Cheezburger every day. And nothing else.
Huh used that same formula for other hit websites under his Cheezburger Network umbrella, including There I Fixed It, Ugliest Tattoos and Engrish.
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