Getting the Right Balance in Bathroom Lighting
You can accomplish this by simply delving into and improving your bathroom lighting.
The placement of lights in this area is very important for providing illumination that enables easy undertaking of various tasks inside as well as for increasing the safety within the room.
A properly-lighted bathroom does not only allow efficient and safe accomplishment of activities like shaving, showering or applying make-up.
Aside from that, it can also boost the appearance of the room.
With an enhanced ambience, you will surely appreciate being it in for a considerable amount of time.
This is especially true when you find the time to get a nice, long soak in the tub.
When thinking of bathroom lighting, you should keep in mind of their many purposes.
Having a brighter set of lights would mean increased safety in the area for you can clearly see your way.
But then again, too much light can kill the relaxing ambience in the room.
Being in the tub with too much brightness around you can cause hurtful glare in your eyes.
Instead of succumbing into a calming mood, you will have to rush into getting out of the tub because it is not cozy and inviting enough for a longer stay.
To keep a balance between the function of providing light and increasing the aesthetics and ambience in the bathroom, you should take into consideration a few things.
One is that the lights you have should work well with the space.
Though they can beautify the area, they shouldn't entirely steal the spot from the real stars in the bathroom.
Like other areas of the home, there are staple and fixed items in the room that gives it character and function.
In the bathroom, these are bathtub, shower room, vanity sink and various bathroom fixtures inside.
The lights you select should be there only to enhance the view and not become the view itself.
That's why you should be very careful in choosing light units and see to it that they complement the existing equipment, architecture and décor within the area.
Another one is that you should consider proper positioning of the lights.
They shouldn't just be randomly scattered into the room with no real distinction of their purpose.
Various lighting units have designated places.
Examples of which are wall sconces that should be placed on either side of the mirror to render full facial illumination.
Another is the recessed light which should be smartly installed above task areas like the shower and the toilet.