Easy Christmas Crafts to Do With Kids
The holiday season is finally here again, and this is a great time to do some fun crafts with your kids.
Christmas crafts will not only get your kids in the holiday spirit but will get you in the holiday spirit as well.
First though you will need to collect up some supplies for your Christmas crafts.
Some of the basic items that you will need for many of the crafts you do include construction paper, pipe cleaners, glue, glitter, confetti, bows, ribbons, and anything else that you think you may use to make your Christmas crafts.
Most of these items can be bought at your local craft store for fairly little expense and the joy that you children will get out of making their own holiday crafts will be worth every penny you spend.
Listed are some great ideas for crafts to get you started but you may find that once you get going you will start to come up with your own ideas too and so will your kids.
A classic in its own right and one of the easiest Christmas crafts to do is making a paper chain to count down the days until Christmas Eve.
The kids not only will love making this simple craft but they will love being able to see how many days they have left until the holiday as well.
Simply cuts strips of green, red, and any other color construction paper you will want to use and then glue them together in a circle through another one.
You may want to alternate colors to make your chain look even more extravagant but pretty much let your children make the ultimate decision so they will feel as if they created the chain.
Another great Christmas craft to do with your children is making ornaments.
One type of ornament you could make includes your child's picture which can be pasted to an old compact disc.
You can also take an old jigsaw puzzle and paint the pieces green and clue them around the picture in order to make it look like a holiday wreath.
Tie a string onto the disc and you have a beautiful and creative Christmas ornament as well as a keepsake with your child's picture.
Another type of ornament that is simple to make are salt-dough ornaments.
Mix together a batch of dough, cut shapes out of the dough with cookie cutters, and then bake the dough in a 200 degree oven.
When the ornaments are hardened you can decorated them with various color paints to make beautiful and artistic Christmas ornaments.
Tie a string onto them and hang them on the tree so that every one can see how simple it is to make your very own holiday ornaments.
Everybody knows how expensive Christmas can get, especially if you have children, so why need spend a little less on Christmas this year.
And the added bonus with making your ornaments is the extra time you get to spend with your kids too.
Christmas crafts will not only get your kids in the holiday spirit but will get you in the holiday spirit as well.
First though you will need to collect up some supplies for your Christmas crafts.
Some of the basic items that you will need for many of the crafts you do include construction paper, pipe cleaners, glue, glitter, confetti, bows, ribbons, and anything else that you think you may use to make your Christmas crafts.
Most of these items can be bought at your local craft store for fairly little expense and the joy that you children will get out of making their own holiday crafts will be worth every penny you spend.
Listed are some great ideas for crafts to get you started but you may find that once you get going you will start to come up with your own ideas too and so will your kids.
A classic in its own right and one of the easiest Christmas crafts to do is making a paper chain to count down the days until Christmas Eve.
The kids not only will love making this simple craft but they will love being able to see how many days they have left until the holiday as well.
Simply cuts strips of green, red, and any other color construction paper you will want to use and then glue them together in a circle through another one.
You may want to alternate colors to make your chain look even more extravagant but pretty much let your children make the ultimate decision so they will feel as if they created the chain.
Another great Christmas craft to do with your children is making ornaments.
One type of ornament you could make includes your child's picture which can be pasted to an old compact disc.
You can also take an old jigsaw puzzle and paint the pieces green and clue them around the picture in order to make it look like a holiday wreath.
Tie a string onto the disc and you have a beautiful and creative Christmas ornament as well as a keepsake with your child's picture.
Another type of ornament that is simple to make are salt-dough ornaments.
Mix together a batch of dough, cut shapes out of the dough with cookie cutters, and then bake the dough in a 200 degree oven.
When the ornaments are hardened you can decorated them with various color paints to make beautiful and artistic Christmas ornaments.
Tie a string onto them and hang them on the tree so that every one can see how simple it is to make your very own holiday ornaments.
Everybody knows how expensive Christmas can get, especially if you have children, so why need spend a little less on Christmas this year.
And the added bonus with making your ornaments is the extra time you get to spend with your kids too.