Follicular Grafting and modern hair restoration surgery
Modern hair transplant surgery is performed with the principle of follicular grafting, outdating much of the old techniques. The procedure works by harvesting a person's own hair, ideally taken from the back of the scalp, referred as the donor zone and distribute the harvested hair to the bald areas or recipient area. There are two distinct methods by means to harvest the donor hair from the donor zone, i.e. Follicular Unit Transplant abbreviated as FUT and Follicular Unit Extraction abbreviated as FUE.
The principle of follicular grafting entails that follicular units are identified to be the naturally occurring groups of hair follicles of 2-5numbers as well as single hair follicles are also present. So the donor hair is harvested in accordance to the natural grouping of follicular units taking 1, 2, 3, 4 and-5 hairs with a little fatty tissue of the scalp, thus forming a complete hair graft that is planted to the recipient area.
The FUT procedure involves that a thin slice of skin bearing the healthy quality of hair follicles shall be excised off the donor zone, stretching from one end of the scalp to the other, usually aligning from behind the ears. The donor wound is closed and sutured with some distinct closure methods like the tricho closure with the use of either stainless staples or dissolvable sutures. While the skin strip is dissected under microscopic vision by assistant surgeons by separating the follicular units according to 2-5 numbers, making a complete hair graft that are replaced to the recipient area following a distinct pattern for maximum coverage.
There will be a linear scar at the back of the scalp that may be hidden underneath the layers of hair or maybe visible to thin density or if the patient choices to crop the hair short. But the FUT method largely overcomes the limitations and morbidity issues associated with its foundation procedures. Making it is the most viable option to harvest the best quality donor hair in its mighty evenness.
The FUE procedure involves that the hair grafts will be directly harvested from the scalp according to the 2-5hair follicles. Finest instruments such as micro punch and forceps are used to meet the needs, and the procedure takes as much time as can be imagined to be taken to pluck 500-1000 hair grafts containing by 2-5hairs. The FUE hair restoration procedure overcomes the scarring issues, with needing to make needle incisions that fade of in 7-10days, leaving a wider area of thinned density of hair but virtually scarring.
Hair transplant cost in the United Kingdom is priced between £1,900-£15,000 and more depending on the donor demand, profile of the clinic and many more criterions. FUE hair transplant cost is always greater than the FUT procedure since it involves a far strenuous and long term job.
The principle of follicular grafting entails that follicular units are identified to be the naturally occurring groups of hair follicles of 2-5numbers as well as single hair follicles are also present. So the donor hair is harvested in accordance to the natural grouping of follicular units taking 1, 2, 3, 4 and-5 hairs with a little fatty tissue of the scalp, thus forming a complete hair graft that is planted to the recipient area.
The FUT procedure involves that a thin slice of skin bearing the healthy quality of hair follicles shall be excised off the donor zone, stretching from one end of the scalp to the other, usually aligning from behind the ears. The donor wound is closed and sutured with some distinct closure methods like the tricho closure with the use of either stainless staples or dissolvable sutures. While the skin strip is dissected under microscopic vision by assistant surgeons by separating the follicular units according to 2-5 numbers, making a complete hair graft that are replaced to the recipient area following a distinct pattern for maximum coverage.
There will be a linear scar at the back of the scalp that may be hidden underneath the layers of hair or maybe visible to thin density or if the patient choices to crop the hair short. But the FUT method largely overcomes the limitations and morbidity issues associated with its foundation procedures. Making it is the most viable option to harvest the best quality donor hair in its mighty evenness.
The FUE procedure involves that the hair grafts will be directly harvested from the scalp according to the 2-5hair follicles. Finest instruments such as micro punch and forceps are used to meet the needs, and the procedure takes as much time as can be imagined to be taken to pluck 500-1000 hair grafts containing by 2-5hairs. The FUE hair restoration procedure overcomes the scarring issues, with needing to make needle incisions that fade of in 7-10days, leaving a wider area of thinned density of hair but virtually scarring.
Hair transplant cost in the United Kingdom is priced between £1,900-£15,000 and more depending on the donor demand, profile of the clinic and many more criterions. FUE hair transplant cost is always greater than the FUT procedure since it involves a far strenuous and long term job.