Need A Productivity Boost? Wake Up Early And Take A Nap
I habitually wake up between 5:30am and 6:30am.
Why? Because it happens to be when I am able to get most of my productive work for the day done.
This is the time of day when emails are at a minimum, my phone is quiet and my brain is at its most creative.
When I work with small business owners who are struggling to get everything done during their business day, I will always lead us to a discussion regarding what time they get up in the morning.
You see, if you get up late and others are already working you stand more of an opportunity for distractions.
Getting up early may not be a natural habit for you.
You may need to get up earlier in just 15 minutes increments.
But I think once you start to see just how more productive 15 minutes of uninterrupted time can be you will become more and more addicted to waking up early.
So join in the ranks of prominent thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Earnest Hemingway and Toni Morrison and embrace the early daytime hours for added productivity.
Now the good news...
I'm going to allow you to take some down time daily and in fact tell you to take a 20-30 minute nap.
Yes, it has been proven that a 20-30 minute nap will increase productivity by as much as 34% and a mental alertness of up to 100%.
Berkeley labs found that napping boosts the brains learning capacity.
Just be sure to not over nap.
Taking more than a 30 minute nap will have you waking up groggy and being less productive.
So set the alarm on your phone and allow yourself a brief mental snooze during the afternoon to increase your afternoon productivity.
So while the idea of waking early may send you over the edge, balance that with a short afternoon nap.
Give this a try for a week or two and see if you notice a difference in the amount of work you are able to accomplish during the day.
The great news is...
we no longer have to feel guilty about that afternoon snooze session.
Do you have a productivity suggestion for my audience? I'd love to learn what helps you get more done during the day.
Comment below and continue the conversation.
You never know who will be helped by your idea!