10 Questions You Must Ask Every Drug-Alcohol Rehab Center
Are you a dual diagnosis center? This is critical for most people who are looking to enter drug or alcohol rehabilitation.
It is our opinion that about 90% of those entering rehab in North America, need dual diagnosis.
However, only about 10% of those who enter a center are actually checking in to a dual diagnosis center.
This is partially why the success rate for rehab is around 15% at best.
How many one on one hours will I be receiving? This is very important.
You are attending rehab for two reasons, detoxification and therapy.
Therapy consists of two things, talking and listening.
So, how much one on one time I get makes a big difference.
You will find the higher the price of a rehab center generally means more one on one time.
Who will I be spending all of my time with? What are their credentials? Are they a former addict? How many years of addiction specific therapy due they have under their belt? Are they a counselor or a therapist? You prefer them to be therapists.
Ultimately, you want your therapist to be about sixty years old or so.
This is because you would like them to have been an addict themselves.
But you also want them to have gotten clean and achieved their master's degree.
Then you want them to have several years under their belt, hence the age.
Obviously there are some wonderful and talented therapists that are quite a bit younger.
More important than age is the therapist's ability to "crack your shell", as well as you having a connection with them.
What is your overall detoxification protocol? This is often overlooked.
Most people want a medical detox.
Others want a natural detox.
If you don't know, get informed.
Ask questions.
Is there an MD on site? Are there RN's 24/7? What type of drugs will you be using during my detox? What will I have for comfort meds? 5.
What is the length of stay (exactly)? Some centers say "one month".
Some say 30 days and really offer 28 days etc.
Find out (exactly).
Each day is very important.
Does my time include the detox period? In some centers, if you attend their 30-day program you will receive 30 days after your detox is complete.
Look for this.
Ask for it.
As a note, we recommend most people look to stay at least 60-90 days.
What is your overall spiritual program like? Most families have no idea how important this is.
Most good rehab centers North America focus on three things...
mind, body, and spirit.
If you are going to be spending quite a bit of your time on a belief that doesn't match up with your belief, you will be misplacing good time and money.
What do you offer for an aftercare program? Most centers offer a care package for up to one year after you complete their program.
Each center is different.
Ask what they are willing to do after you go through their program? 8.
Do you offer any kind of guarantee of success? We need to be careful here.
No center can guarantee success.
If you find a center that does, run the other way.
Success rates are a marketing ploy as well.
Ask if they have a relapse policy within a certain time frame.
Get it in writing.
What is your refund policy should I check out early? Get a detailed printout of what this will look like.
Is it front-loaded with costs? Meaning that your first four days may be billed at $4,000 and the rest is $250/day.
Are you twelve step based or cognitive? You need to educate yourself on these two options and decide for yourself, which will be best suited for your style.
Are you a dual diagnosis center? This is critical for most people who are looking to enter drug or alcohol rehabilitation.
It is our opinion that about 90% of those entering rehab in North America, need dual diagnosis.
However, only about 10% of those who enter a center are actually checking in to a dual diagnosis center.
This is partially why the success rate for rehab is around 15% at best.
How many one on one hours will I be receiving? This is very important.
You are attending rehab for two reasons, detoxification and therapy.
Therapy consists of two things, talking and listening.
So, how much one on one time I get makes a big difference.
You will find the higher the price of a rehab center generally means more one on one time.
Who will I be spending all of my time with? What are their credentials? Are they a former addict? How many years of addiction specific therapy due they have under their belt? Are they a counselor or a therapist? You prefer them to be therapists.
Ultimately, you want your therapist to be about sixty years old or so.
This is because you would like them to have been an addict themselves.
But you also want them to have gotten clean and achieved their master's degree.
Then you want them to have several years under their belt, hence the age.
Obviously there are some wonderful and talented therapists that are quite a bit younger.
More important than age is the therapist's ability to "crack your shell", as well as you having a connection with them.
What is your overall detoxification protocol? This is often overlooked.
Most people want a medical detox.
Others want a natural detox.
If you don't know, get informed.
Ask questions.
Is there an MD on site? Are there RN's 24/7? What type of drugs will you be using during my detox? What will I have for comfort meds? 5.
What is the length of stay (exactly)? Some centers say "one month".
Some say 30 days and really offer 28 days etc.
Find out (exactly).
Each day is very important.
Does my time include the detox period? In some centers, if you attend their 30-day program you will receive 30 days after your detox is complete.
Look for this.
Ask for it.
As a note, we recommend most people look to stay at least 60-90 days.
What is your overall spiritual program like? Most families have no idea how important this is.
Most good rehab centers North America focus on three things...
mind, body, and spirit.
If you are going to be spending quite a bit of your time on a belief that doesn't match up with your belief, you will be misplacing good time and money.
What do you offer for an aftercare program? Most centers offer a care package for up to one year after you complete their program.
Each center is different.
Ask what they are willing to do after you go through their program? 8.
Do you offer any kind of guarantee of success? We need to be careful here.
No center can guarantee success.
If you find a center that does, run the other way.
Success rates are a marketing ploy as well.
Ask if they have a relapse policy within a certain time frame.
Get it in writing.
What is your refund policy should I check out early? Get a detailed printout of what this will look like.
Is it front-loaded with costs? Meaning that your first four days may be billed at $4,000 and the rest is $250/day.
Are you twelve step based or cognitive? You need to educate yourself on these two options and decide for yourself, which will be best suited for your style.