Symptoms of Diabetes - Knowing The Warning Signs of Diabetes and Tips for Reversing Diabetes
Not being ignorant about this debilitating condition that is affecting more and more people as times go on is very important. Much of the increase in diabetes mellitus cases is due to poor lifestyle choices that a lot of people make. This article discusses the various symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Knowing the warning signs of diabetes and the various tips for reversing diabetes should hopefully allow you to make better choices for yourself and help you fight this disease.
Properly managing diabetes and curing diabetes in some cases will allow you to greatly improve the quality of your life. Diabetes is one of the identified silent killers mainly because the symptoms of diabetes if any at all, can develop over many years without the diabetic being any the wiser which makes periodic checkups vital in the fight against diabetes mellitus.
What is Diabetes?
To answer the question "what is diabetes?" it is important to understand what happens in the body after consuming food. When we consume food, mainly carbohydrates and sugars, it is converted by the body into glucose which is the simplest form of sugars. This is one of the reasons that most people refer to this disease as sugar diabetes.
This glucose is then released into the bloodstream and must be removed from the blood to prevent damage to vital organs in the body such as the heart and kidneys and distributed to the various cells in the body because this is the source of the energy that the body needs to function properly and for day to day activities.
Insulin which is a hormone produced by the pancreas that when properly functioning is responsible for the removal and distribution of this glucose to the various cells or stored for later use as needed.
When the pancreas produces no insulin, too little insulin or the body develops a resistance to the insulin produced, this leads to diabetes mellitus. With this disease and the problems with insulin, the glucose ends up accumulating in the bloodstream with no place to go only to be secreted in urine which is a waste of glucose and the energy that it provides.
The accumulation of this glucose in the blood with no place to go after an extended period of time will lead to diabetes related complications such as nerve damage that could lead to the necessity for limb amputations, heart and kidney disease from the damage to these organs resulting from the excess glucose levels in the blood stream, diabetic comas, various skin conditions, high blood pressure that can lead to eye problems, stroke, heart attack and kidney disease, etc.
Types of Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 diabetes
The first type of of this disease is type 1 diabetes which occurs when insulin is not produced by the pancreas. This is also known as juvenile diabetes because it usually begins in childhood. Due to no insulin being produced, the person suffering from this disease requires daily shots of insulin for survival.
Type 2 diabetes
The second type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes that usually develops in adulthood. This is when the pancreas does not produce sufficient quantities of insulin that is required to remove all the glucose from the blood. This also develops when the body develops a resistance to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas which causes the glucose to accumulate in the blood.
Gestational diabetes
The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes which usually develops in a soon to be mother usually during the third trimester of a pregnancy. After childbirth, gestational diabetes may disappear on its own after a few months. In some other cases, the woman may develop type 2 diabetes at a later point in life.
Diabetes Symptoms
There are various types of diabetes symptoms that can develop over several years. Proper treatment of diabetes and diabetes symptoms is important for survival and to allow a diabetic to lead a full and productive life. Here a some of the symptoms of diabetes that are related to type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Identifying the warning signs of diabetes will help a diabetic manage and even cure diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
- Being excessively thirsty
- Frequent urination
- Experiencing excessive hunger
- Unusual weight loss that is sudden and without a reasonable explanation
- Fatigue and a level of irritability during the day
Type 2 diabetes
- Experiencing any of the above symptoms
- Unusual and sudden changes in vision and eyesight
- Slow healing of cuts and wounds
- Developing infections quite frequently
- Experiencing numbness and/or tingling in the feet and hands
- Suffering from very dry skin or itchy skin
Type 2 diabetes which is more common than type 1 diabetes may not produce any warning signs of diabetes which is why diabetes is sometimes referred to as one of the silent killers as mentioned previously. Since no symptoms of diabetes may be produced with type 2 diabetes, annual diabetes testing is important.
Tips for Reversing Diabetes
There are many treatment options that can be used to not only overcome diabetes and the related symptoms of diabetes as well as the diabetes related complications but that will also help you cure diabetes.
The first step of course is periodic checkups to ensure that you do not have the disease and if it is discovered that you do have the disease, following the recommended treatment methods will help to treat this condition successfully. Your doctor may recommend various diabetes medications for the management of diabetes. Diabetes meters are an important way to monitor your blood sugar levels and take remedial steps if the sugar levels are too high or too low.
Natural methods for the treatment of diabetes are probably the best way to combat this disease that will either allow you to properly manage the disease or to cure it. Following a proper diabetic diet that may include carbohydrate counting is important to treat the condition naturally. Increasing your level of physical activity is also key.
Properly managing diabetes and curing diabetes in some cases will allow you to greatly improve the quality of your life. Diabetes is one of the identified silent killers mainly because the symptoms of diabetes if any at all, can develop over many years without the diabetic being any the wiser which makes periodic checkups vital in the fight against diabetes mellitus.
What is Diabetes?
To answer the question "what is diabetes?" it is important to understand what happens in the body after consuming food. When we consume food, mainly carbohydrates and sugars, it is converted by the body into glucose which is the simplest form of sugars. This is one of the reasons that most people refer to this disease as sugar diabetes.
This glucose is then released into the bloodstream and must be removed from the blood to prevent damage to vital organs in the body such as the heart and kidneys and distributed to the various cells in the body because this is the source of the energy that the body needs to function properly and for day to day activities.
Insulin which is a hormone produced by the pancreas that when properly functioning is responsible for the removal and distribution of this glucose to the various cells or stored for later use as needed.
When the pancreas produces no insulin, too little insulin or the body develops a resistance to the insulin produced, this leads to diabetes mellitus. With this disease and the problems with insulin, the glucose ends up accumulating in the bloodstream with no place to go only to be secreted in urine which is a waste of glucose and the energy that it provides.
The accumulation of this glucose in the blood with no place to go after an extended period of time will lead to diabetes related complications such as nerve damage that could lead to the necessity for limb amputations, heart and kidney disease from the damage to these organs resulting from the excess glucose levels in the blood stream, diabetic comas, various skin conditions, high blood pressure that can lead to eye problems, stroke, heart attack and kidney disease, etc.
Types of Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 diabetes
The first type of of this disease is type 1 diabetes which occurs when insulin is not produced by the pancreas. This is also known as juvenile diabetes because it usually begins in childhood. Due to no insulin being produced, the person suffering from this disease requires daily shots of insulin for survival.
Type 2 diabetes
The second type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes that usually develops in adulthood. This is when the pancreas does not produce sufficient quantities of insulin that is required to remove all the glucose from the blood. This also develops when the body develops a resistance to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas which causes the glucose to accumulate in the blood.
Gestational diabetes
The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes which usually develops in a soon to be mother usually during the third trimester of a pregnancy. After childbirth, gestational diabetes may disappear on its own after a few months. In some other cases, the woman may develop type 2 diabetes at a later point in life.
Diabetes Symptoms
There are various types of diabetes symptoms that can develop over several years. Proper treatment of diabetes and diabetes symptoms is important for survival and to allow a diabetic to lead a full and productive life. Here a some of the symptoms of diabetes that are related to type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Identifying the warning signs of diabetes will help a diabetic manage and even cure diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
- Being excessively thirsty
- Frequent urination
- Experiencing excessive hunger
- Unusual weight loss that is sudden and without a reasonable explanation
- Fatigue and a level of irritability during the day
Type 2 diabetes
- Experiencing any of the above symptoms
- Unusual and sudden changes in vision and eyesight
- Slow healing of cuts and wounds
- Developing infections quite frequently
- Experiencing numbness and/or tingling in the feet and hands
- Suffering from very dry skin or itchy skin
Type 2 diabetes which is more common than type 1 diabetes may not produce any warning signs of diabetes which is why diabetes is sometimes referred to as one of the silent killers as mentioned previously. Since no symptoms of diabetes may be produced with type 2 diabetes, annual diabetes testing is important.
Tips for Reversing Diabetes
There are many treatment options that can be used to not only overcome diabetes and the related symptoms of diabetes as well as the diabetes related complications but that will also help you cure diabetes.
The first step of course is periodic checkups to ensure that you do not have the disease and if it is discovered that you do have the disease, following the recommended treatment methods will help to treat this condition successfully. Your doctor may recommend various diabetes medications for the management of diabetes. Diabetes meters are an important way to monitor your blood sugar levels and take remedial steps if the sugar levels are too high or too low.
Natural methods for the treatment of diabetes are probably the best way to combat this disease that will either allow you to properly manage the disease or to cure it. Following a proper diabetic diet that may include carbohydrate counting is important to treat the condition naturally. Increasing your level of physical activity is also key.