The Importance of Establishing Safety Habits
Most break-ins can be avoided by forming some simple security measures.
Criminals normally look for easy targets when choosing their homes.
By following safety guidelines on a consistent basis you will be protecting yourself better from potential burglaries.
Form a habit of keeping your trees and shrubs properly trimmed.
You want to be able to quickly look outside your windows into your yard.
Thieves often use shrubs to hide behind.
Establish the habit of locking all of your items away once you are done using them.
Don't let them lay around outside in your yard.
Ladders and other tools can easily be used by a burglar to gain access into your home.
Form a habit of checking your alarm system before you leave your home and before you go to bed at night.
Make sure your alarm system is alert and ready to go.
Many burglaries happen due to the owner forgetting to turn the alarm on.
Establish the habit of locking all your windows and doors.
Remembering to lock your doors while you are at home will protect you from being harmed by those outside, and locking your door while you are away will protect your possessions.
Its important to check your windows upstairs, because burglars can still gain access to your home through them.
Form a habit of using your door's peephole.
Its important to know who is at the door before opening it.
If you don't know who it is, use your door chain.
Establish a habit of updating your security system's software.
Maintaining your alarm system allows it to run more smoothly.
It can also improve its performance and help avoid component breakdowns.
These habits make your home a much harder target to burglars.
Once these habits are well established you will find that they don't take a lot of effort and are a great investment with the security of your home.
Combining these habits with a good alarm system will be a strong asset to the protection of your home.
Criminals normally look for easy targets when choosing their homes.
By following safety guidelines on a consistent basis you will be protecting yourself better from potential burglaries.
Form a habit of keeping your trees and shrubs properly trimmed.
You want to be able to quickly look outside your windows into your yard.
Thieves often use shrubs to hide behind.
Establish the habit of locking all of your items away once you are done using them.
Don't let them lay around outside in your yard.
Ladders and other tools can easily be used by a burglar to gain access into your home.
Form a habit of checking your alarm system before you leave your home and before you go to bed at night.
Make sure your alarm system is alert and ready to go.
Many burglaries happen due to the owner forgetting to turn the alarm on.
Establish the habit of locking all your windows and doors.
Remembering to lock your doors while you are at home will protect you from being harmed by those outside, and locking your door while you are away will protect your possessions.
Its important to check your windows upstairs, because burglars can still gain access to your home through them.
Form a habit of using your door's peephole.
Its important to know who is at the door before opening it.
If you don't know who it is, use your door chain.
Establish a habit of updating your security system's software.
Maintaining your alarm system allows it to run more smoothly.
It can also improve its performance and help avoid component breakdowns.
These habits make your home a much harder target to burglars.
Once these habits are well established you will find that they don't take a lot of effort and are a great investment with the security of your home.
Combining these habits with a good alarm system will be a strong asset to the protection of your home.