Slender Figure Is My Choice

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I am 45.
My world is husband and two children 22 and 15 years old.
After birth of my second child I really became a housewife with all those consequences.
Elder daughter went for a school the junior was 9 months old.
When you give birth to a second child in 29 you already have definite experience.
And this experience entails distrust to all government preschools.
So wedecided to bring up our junior at home.
I was a full employed before a second child.
Then I had overweight problems but they were not so serious and I managed with them easily.
During last pregnancy I watched closely to my weight.
So did my doctor that I visited once in two weeks.
It was permitted to add 200 g (~ 7oz) in 2 weeks during first 3 months, 300 g (~10.
5oz) in 2 weeks during second 3 months and during third 3 months not more than 350-400 g (~12-14oz) in 2 weeks.
I followed this schedule.
Every time before visit to a doctor I had "light day".
That means 1kg (~2.
3lb) of apples or 1,5 1itre (~2.
6 pints) of not sweet yoghurt.
So in whole I added 7kg (~15.
After birth of a second child a burden doubled.
I was alone during the whole day cause husband was earning money.
In this period there was no overweight at all quite the contrary.
Breast feeding also prevented overweight.
I did not hold any diet all calories went with milk.
Breast feeding lasted 1 year and 4 months.
My weight was 56kg (123,5lb) with a height of 1m 63cm (5' 5'') .
I was content with it.
But after breast feeding began problems.
All from my family had their own meal.
Husband had his own, elder daughter had her own and baby had of cause quite different meal.
I spent big time in the kitchen.
So little by little began to appear overweight.
And alas my weight after 5-6 years became 75kg (172lb and 7.
5oz) .
That was very depressing.
After winter I could wear no summer dress.
I tried to get rid of overweight but time after time like in frightful fairytale it was back again.
It was an exclusive circle.
What to do? I did not believe in miracle remedies that offered eliminate overweight without any wearisome diets.
One of my friends told me about how she tried one wide advertised weight loss remedy.
After 2 months she lost 5-6kg (~11-13lb).
But when she finished course the weight was back and even bigger than before.
So it means that everything is in nutrition, thought I.
Here is needed balanced diet and not during 2-3 weeks but during much more time.
Overweight provoked health problems.
I suffered from short breath if I went a bit faster.
It was hard to go upstairs.
I had a constant feeling of discomfort.
When I saw myself in mirror...
oh that was awful.
Once I saw one broadcast on Discovery channel.
That was "Dr.
G " series.
I like medical telecasts.
And in all this telecasts specialists tell abut ill effects of overweight.
These are spoiling of blood vessels, risk of high blood-pressure and excessive increase of heart.
A heart in good health has weight of about 400g ( 14 oz) but heart of people suffering from overweight is about 1kg (~2lb) .
Hart tissue becomes not so elastic in this case and a heart can not pump enough quantity of blood.
Horrible! In the program Dr.
G examined reasons of patients' deaths.
There was lots of deaths cause of excessive increase of heart.
Dr G said that she never saw fat people that lived till old.
After all these telecasts and seeing my reflection in the mirror I decided firm - I want to live long and to be slender.
I read lots of articles about the theme.
I understood that I need choose balanced menu.
I need a menu that I would not feel wearisome huger and menu with small quantity of calories.
I understood that this way of nutrition will be not during 3-4 weeks but life long.
So this must be the menu of completely normal life.
I chose low carbohydrate diet for myself.
With this diet there is no feeling of discomfort and your stomach does not rumble of hunger.
You need simply prepare a food allowance for each day of the week.
In this diet you must eliminate all foodstuff with high content of carbohydrates.
These are: bread, macaronis, sweets, cookies, cakes, sugar and other foodstuff with sugar.
You must assume points to food products.
Points say how many carbohydrates there are in this or that foodstuff.
Points you will easily find on product packing.
For example: 1 medium tomato has 6 points 1 medium cucumber has 4 points 100g (3,5 oz) of curds have 2 points 100g (3,5 oz) of yoghurt has 4 points 100g of cauliflowers have 6 points Tea and coffee have 0 point Boiled meat (70g/2,5oz) has 10 points Boiled fish (100g/3,5oz) has 10 points A piece of not fat cheese (50g/~2oz) has 10 points Boiled chicken white meat (100g/3,5oz) has 10 points Crab meat has 8 points From the other hand: Cookies (100g/3,5oz) have 56 points Bread (100g/3,5oz) has 49 points Boiled macaronis (100g/3.
5oz) have 50 points White bread (100g/3.
5oz) has 52 points Alcohol - much more Points you receive with meal must be not more than 40 a day.
If you receive less than 40 points you lose weight more than 40 you add weight.
Make your schedule for a week and follow it.
You can lose 16kg (~35,5lb) of your weight in 4 months.
It is true! Is not it splendid?! Choose foodstuff with low content of fat.
It is better to refuse of smoked sausage.
I agree that it is not easy to follow this way of nutrition but believe me it is real.
I would like to offer you some advices.
Don't prepare a meal when you are hungry.
First of all eat something light take a cap of tea.
After that you are ready for work.
Eat only if you are hungry.
Don't get food morsels in between.
Eat carefully and slowly.
Don't read during eating.
You may miss a moment of satiation.
Don't eat food after your children.
Holidays are hard test when you decided to lose your weight.
When you are invited don't eat dishes but taste.
Next day is a rest - please minimum of food.
You can fight successfully with hunger psychologically also.
Do so.
Put on a swimming costume and look at yourself in the mirror.
Tremendous effect! 2.
Be busy with something you like to do.
Look on top models in TV.
Try old trousers ...
and so on.
So that's all my advices.
I hope they will be useful.
I am sure you can and must defeat overweight.
I believe in you.
Sincerely yours, Nataly
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