How to Use Mind Maps for Knowledge Management
- 1). Write the central topic in the center of the page. For example, if you were learning about the Sherlock Holmes book "A Study in Scarlet," you would write that in the center of the page and circle it. This area will be the starting point for all other ideas.
- 2). Draw lines branching off from the circle indicating the main idea to lead to each of the subtopics connected to it. In this example, you might include subtopics such as "characters" and "themes." These first branches open up the key subtopics that come to mind when you begin to think about the subject.
- 3). Continue the mind map by drawing ideas that branch off from the subtopics. This process can go on until you have exhausted the subject. For example, under "characters," you could write "Holmes," and then under that heading, write the key components of his character, such as "unemotional" and "problem solver." From there, you could attach further quotes or examples related to these characteristics. The more branches you add on, the more you will be able to explore the subject. You should create multiple branches for each main topic until you have a logically structured diagram of the entire subject.
- 4). Include colorful sketches where possible. Using colorful diagrams or illustrative pictures can greatly aid recall of the ideas down the line. The more vibrant the image, the more it will stay in your mind. You can even split subtopics up by color to differentiate them. If you have an idea for a picture or diagram to represent a point that is humorous or otherwise striking to you, use it. Ideas you can engage with on both visual and conceptual levels are more likely to stay in your mind.
- 5). Write one-word explanations where possible. If you can sum up a point in one strong word, do it. This, again, serves to aid recall. If you have long, awkward phrases, you are unlikely to be able to remember them all. If you keep your headings short, you are more likely to retain them.
- 6). Link ideas. If one part of your mind map has a direct impact on another part, draw a line connecting them. This helps you gain a full picture of the subject, and makes the interactions between different areas clear.
- 7). Use the mind map to help structure your memory. The sections of the mind map will illustrate different aspects of your main topic, and you can remember them according to your diagram. You could imagine a hallway that represents your topic, and each of the doors takes you to one of the subtopics. Using images similar to those on the mind map, you can create a mental map of the subject, which you can then use later to aid recall. If you remember the hallway and the content of the rooms, you will remember the linked information.