Business Advice - What Happens to Your Online Business When You Die?
This is a topic that many would prefer to shy away from, but the fact remains that we are all going to die some day.
It is then important to be ready in order to make sure your business or any activity you are involved in carries on even without your presences.
This is where your lawyer comes in handy in helping you draft a will.
Face-book after the death of Wooling Ton thought it wise to revisit their general policy and introduce a memorial that deals with the deceased.
This came in as a good thought to many online businesses that have seen major companies adopt the same concept.
An online business should not collapse when you pass on, but instead it should be a source of income for your family members who have been left behind.
It is important to at least share passwords to your business programs with one of your trusted next of kin or write a will.
This will help in retrieving or salvaging important emails, profiles and photos that you shared on social networking websites.
Your next of kin having your passwords can request a CD of all messages from hotmail and other email providers.
In addition, several companies like Legally Locker, store passwords but order information to give designated recipients after a user dies.
Is it not just amazing how everything is turning online? Electronic business is sure the best way to go.
The introduction of the internet has truly revolutionized business operations and life in general.
I believe it is to the betterment of the human race.
It is then important to be ready in order to make sure your business or any activity you are involved in carries on even without your presences.
This is where your lawyer comes in handy in helping you draft a will.
Face-book after the death of Wooling Ton thought it wise to revisit their general policy and introduce a memorial that deals with the deceased.
This came in as a good thought to many online businesses that have seen major companies adopt the same concept.
An online business should not collapse when you pass on, but instead it should be a source of income for your family members who have been left behind.
It is important to at least share passwords to your business programs with one of your trusted next of kin or write a will.
This will help in retrieving or salvaging important emails, profiles and photos that you shared on social networking websites.
Your next of kin having your passwords can request a CD of all messages from hotmail and other email providers.
In addition, several companies like Legally Locker, store passwords but order information to give designated recipients after a user dies.
Is it not just amazing how everything is turning online? Electronic business is sure the best way to go.
The introduction of the internet has truly revolutionized business operations and life in general.
I believe it is to the betterment of the human race.