5 Ways to Safeguard Your Home Against Accidental Fire Damage
Within the home, there are many enablers or everyday elements which can turn a simple heat or fire into an uncontrollable blaze.
This article describes 5 ways to safeguard against fires in your home.
Never leave a gas cooker burning unattended - a naked flame such as a gas cooker has a typical presence in many homes.
By leaving a flame unattended, the flame cannot be controlled, and could therefore ignite a fire to surrounding items or even the food being cooked.
Always attend a gas flame whilst in use, and never leave it alone to go out of control.
Smoke cigarettes outside, disposing of the butts responsibly - cigarettes can often be left within ash trays full of butts.
If the cigarette isn't completely out, it could be a cause of fire damage.
To safeguard against this, try and smoke externally to your home, disposing of cigarette butts in a safe metal container.
Keep fire sources out of reach of children - elements such as lighters, matches and gas cooker igniters are all potential threats if in the hands of a child.
Ensure that all fire elements are kept out of reach of small children at all times, locked away if necessary.
Switch off plug sockets for appliances when not in use - lightning can be a horrendous cause of damage to a home if a bolt makes contact with your home in any way.
If the lightning bolt happens to connect with your TV Aerial, it can send an electric current through the line and cause a fire in your home.
Ensure that all appliances (including your Television) are switched off when not in use, safeguarding against fires caused by lightning.
cover incense and candles in a safe glass cover - by covering incense and candles whilst they burn, you reduce the risk of flammable properties falling or coming into contact with the ignite or naked flame.
Use protective measures when burning incense or candles, and ensure that they are placed on stable surfaces which will not cause disruption or movement to them.