Change Your Mind About Healing - Part One
The will to survive, is a characteristic built into every created thing.
Anytime survival is threatened, there will be a stress or tension developed to overcome that threat.
The ultimate path of universal development is harmony.
Whenever one entity threatens another's survival, disharmony is developed.
Intelligence should lead us to an understanding of these struggles, and the need for harmony to maintain healing.
Conflict is a familiar condition in the environment and the human body.
These conflicts create ill health of the environment and the human body.
On the scale of created beings, man has the highest intelligence.
This intelligence gives him the capacity for healing himself and his environment.
The means of this healing is communication and nourishment.
Once the resources (i.
, fluids, nutrition, breath) of our system are flowing freely and not stagnating, it is possible to communicate a sense of Love and willingness to cooperate within the system.
When there is an understanding of the need for all to survive, peace and harmony is possible.
Man has the capacity to communicate this understanding to his environment through his actions, and the cells of his body, through thought.
The cells of the human body have the language to communicate at the molecular level.
Man has only to make up his mind about the issue of harmony and establish it in his heart, to heal himself and his environment.
Aligning ones' self with universal harmony is the key to bringing heaven to earth.
At the core of everything that exists, is the creator.
In addition, with this there is an understanding of the essential unity of all.
Achieving harmony is a matter of re-minding individual entities (cells, viruses, bacteria, etc.
,) of this unity.
Matter has a tendency to focus on its' individuality.
Spirit is the unification of matter.
Rising to the level of spirit is our destiny.
Peace and harmony comes through trial and error and listening to those who are more advanced.
Awareness of our essential unity leads to spiritual consciousness.
This consciousness seeks to re-unite that which appears to be separate.
Healing is the effect.
Bringing ones' attention away from the periphery of the way things appear to be, to the center where exist the way things are; will develop this consciousness.
Practice Silence and Relaxation.
The center of being will reveal the malleability of matter by thought.
Thought is the ethereal substance, which shapes reality.
Change your thoughts and change your reality.
Changing your thoughts about disease and that, which causes disease, will render entirely different outcomes than what is normally expected.
Habits established by the environment and the human body can be changed.
Change your thoughts, which are delivered, to the body, and the cells will behave differently.
Change your thoughts and behavior and the environment will change.
The immune system has developed the habit of attacking that, which is foreign to the body, over a long period; this is very aggressive.
When you introduce it to the concept of higher intelligent cooperation, the struggles will diminish.
Restoration of our overall health happens when we begin to cooperate with our environment.
We have the power to heal our environment and ourselves.
If we accept the idea that this is desirable, we can achieve it.
Proof comes with Practice! When you need to stabilize, and on a regular basis, repeat and internalize the following phrases.
This is a request to the macro and micro universe.
I am acknowledging you in faith (establish contact...
) Please help my body and me: love, co-exist and cooperate with anything or anyone who comes into our presence.
I am a sanctuary.
Anytime survival is threatened, there will be a stress or tension developed to overcome that threat.
The ultimate path of universal development is harmony.
Whenever one entity threatens another's survival, disharmony is developed.
Intelligence should lead us to an understanding of these struggles, and the need for harmony to maintain healing.
Conflict is a familiar condition in the environment and the human body.
These conflicts create ill health of the environment and the human body.
On the scale of created beings, man has the highest intelligence.
This intelligence gives him the capacity for healing himself and his environment.
The means of this healing is communication and nourishment.
Once the resources (i.
, fluids, nutrition, breath) of our system are flowing freely and not stagnating, it is possible to communicate a sense of Love and willingness to cooperate within the system.
When there is an understanding of the need for all to survive, peace and harmony is possible.
Man has the capacity to communicate this understanding to his environment through his actions, and the cells of his body, through thought.
The cells of the human body have the language to communicate at the molecular level.
Man has only to make up his mind about the issue of harmony and establish it in his heart, to heal himself and his environment.
Aligning ones' self with universal harmony is the key to bringing heaven to earth.
At the core of everything that exists, is the creator.
In addition, with this there is an understanding of the essential unity of all.
Achieving harmony is a matter of re-minding individual entities (cells, viruses, bacteria, etc.
,) of this unity.
Matter has a tendency to focus on its' individuality.
Spirit is the unification of matter.
Rising to the level of spirit is our destiny.
Peace and harmony comes through trial and error and listening to those who are more advanced.
Awareness of our essential unity leads to spiritual consciousness.
This consciousness seeks to re-unite that which appears to be separate.
Healing is the effect.
Bringing ones' attention away from the periphery of the way things appear to be, to the center where exist the way things are; will develop this consciousness.
Practice Silence and Relaxation.
The center of being will reveal the malleability of matter by thought.
Thought is the ethereal substance, which shapes reality.
Change your thoughts and change your reality.
Changing your thoughts about disease and that, which causes disease, will render entirely different outcomes than what is normally expected.
Habits established by the environment and the human body can be changed.
Change your thoughts, which are delivered, to the body, and the cells will behave differently.
Change your thoughts and behavior and the environment will change.
The immune system has developed the habit of attacking that, which is foreign to the body, over a long period; this is very aggressive.
When you introduce it to the concept of higher intelligent cooperation, the struggles will diminish.
Restoration of our overall health happens when we begin to cooperate with our environment.
We have the power to heal our environment and ourselves.
If we accept the idea that this is desirable, we can achieve it.
Proof comes with Practice! When you need to stabilize, and on a regular basis, repeat and internalize the following phrases.
This is a request to the macro and micro universe.
I am acknowledging you in faith (establish contact...
) Please help my body and me: love, co-exist and cooperate with anything or anyone who comes into our presence.
I am a sanctuary.