Penis Enlargement Exercises - Going The Extra Inch
Penis enlargement exercises have got to be the best form of penis enlargement for any man, they're safe and permanent.
Doing things naturally is always a much safer option, even though most creams and patches don't work, there can still be some nasty side effects.
Natural penis enlargement exercises really are just what they say on the tin - Natural.
I realize that a lot of the guy's reading this are looking for ways to increase their penis length after all, no man wants to live with a tiny penis, I also know that a lot of them have tried different ways to do this already.
The fact that you're still looking means that you've probably had about as much luck as I had, before I started natural penis enlargement exercises.
So how do these natural exercises work? Here's a sneak preview of what I went though to increase my penis length by 2 inches and my girth by nearly an inch.
Before I start you have to remember one thing! Consistency is the most important part of the exercises, just because there haven't been any improvements for a couple of weeks, you MUST continue the natural penis enlargement exercises or else you might as well not bother even starting them.
I started with a routine which involved 5 days using the penis enlargement exercises and 2 day off, I was taking the weekends off to regenerate my muscles.
What ever you do, don't try doing the exercises for 7 days in a row, your penis needs time to recover - ignoring this can cause you problems.
My First Week: The Warm Up - 6 minutes approx Using a large cloth or small towel, soak it in warm water until it's completely wet and warm.
Wring out the towel to get rid of the excess water (not too much, you don't want it bone dry).
Wrap the towel around your penis and testicles and leave it there for about two minutes or so.
Repeat these steps 3 times to ensure that the penis is nice and warmed up.
Alternatively you could have a hot bath.
This warm up process draws blood into the areas of the penis which improves circulation, limbers the connective tissue around the pubic wall and reduces the chance of injury during penis enlargement.
Stretching For Length - 2 minutes This part can be done seated or standing, I preferred standing as it actually felt more effective.
Start with your thumb and forefinger wrapped around your flaccid penis (just below the head).
Pull away from the body gently, similar to masturbation but in reverse and then return to the starting position, repeat this exercise 10 times in a steady rhythmic motion.
There is more to this section so keep reading.
Circulation - 1 minute Slap your penis gently against each leg, 30 times per leg this will ensure that the blood is circulating properly and accessing all parts of the penis.
The program I use for my Penis Enlargement Exercises is a very extensive one, it also contains videos and easy to follow instructions, many other programs don't offer this kind of information.
Doing things naturally is always a much safer option, even though most creams and patches don't work, there can still be some nasty side effects.
Natural penis enlargement exercises really are just what they say on the tin - Natural.
I realize that a lot of the guy's reading this are looking for ways to increase their penis length after all, no man wants to live with a tiny penis, I also know that a lot of them have tried different ways to do this already.
The fact that you're still looking means that you've probably had about as much luck as I had, before I started natural penis enlargement exercises.
So how do these natural exercises work? Here's a sneak preview of what I went though to increase my penis length by 2 inches and my girth by nearly an inch.
Before I start you have to remember one thing! Consistency is the most important part of the exercises, just because there haven't been any improvements for a couple of weeks, you MUST continue the natural penis enlargement exercises or else you might as well not bother even starting them.
I started with a routine which involved 5 days using the penis enlargement exercises and 2 day off, I was taking the weekends off to regenerate my muscles.
What ever you do, don't try doing the exercises for 7 days in a row, your penis needs time to recover - ignoring this can cause you problems.
My First Week: The Warm Up - 6 minutes approx Using a large cloth or small towel, soak it in warm water until it's completely wet and warm.
Wring out the towel to get rid of the excess water (not too much, you don't want it bone dry).
Wrap the towel around your penis and testicles and leave it there for about two minutes or so.
Repeat these steps 3 times to ensure that the penis is nice and warmed up.
Alternatively you could have a hot bath.
This warm up process draws blood into the areas of the penis which improves circulation, limbers the connective tissue around the pubic wall and reduces the chance of injury during penis enlargement.
Stretching For Length - 2 minutes This part can be done seated or standing, I preferred standing as it actually felt more effective.
Start with your thumb and forefinger wrapped around your flaccid penis (just below the head).
Pull away from the body gently, similar to masturbation but in reverse and then return to the starting position, repeat this exercise 10 times in a steady rhythmic motion.
There is more to this section so keep reading.
Circulation - 1 minute Slap your penis gently against each leg, 30 times per leg this will ensure that the blood is circulating properly and accessing all parts of the penis.
The program I use for my Penis Enlargement Exercises is a very extensive one, it also contains videos and easy to follow instructions, many other programs don't offer this kind of information.