What Makes a Great Business Niche?
However if this article title has grabbed your attention then you may be confused and uncertain about how to choose your niche and want to know what make a great business niche.
So in this article I am going to share with you a few of the key aspects that will help you to know when you have uncovered a great niche for your business.
So what makes a business niche great? Well it needs two components.
It needs to be profitable, that's probably obvious, and it needs to fit you.
When I say it has to fit you I mean that it needs to match your interests, your skills, your knowledge and experience and also your values.
It also needs to fit with the lifestyle you desire and your goals and dreams.
If you pick something that is financially successful but gives you little satisfaction or fulfillment or perhaps means you have little room for the people and things that you consider most important then that's not a great niche.
Equally if you pick something that you are truly passionate about but not many other people share your fascination so that you can't generate enough income to support yourself and your family then that's not good either.
So as with most things it is about finding a balance between these two aspects.
So with that in mind what else should you look out for when choosing your niche? The key aspects of a great niche are that you have a found a particular problem or challenge to solve that is sufficiently painful and problematic that a good-sized group of people are urgently and eagerly seeking a solution and are willing to invest to get it.
The size of your niche market need not be huge if they are willing to pay high prices for your solution.
People buy for two fundamental reasons: to overcome a problem or to get pleasure.
The former generally generates the greatest motivation and so if you can find something among your interests and experience that would help someone solve a problem that is really having a negative impact on their life then you're on the right track.
If this is a relatively common problem then that's a step further in the right direction.
The icing on the cake is if they are willing to pay for that help and if they are easy to find.