Preschool Bible Stories & Activities
- Read the story of Jesus' birth in Luke 2:1-20. The natural curiosity of preschoolers enhances learning. After reading the story from the Bible, or from one of the many storybooks available with a simpler version, reinforce the meaning with an activity.
Bring in a Nativity set, place it on a table where everyone can see it, and have the children close their eyes while someone removes a piece. Have the students guess which piece is missing. Return the piece to the table and discuss the importance of that person to the story. Finishing up with a birthday cake for Jesus and singing Happy Birthday further reinforces the true meaning of Christmas. - The story of the Crucifixion can be disturbing to small children. Read Luke 24:1-12 to focus on the Resurrection instead. Preschoolers are creative and enjoy doing things with their hands. Choose a craft for reinforcement after reading the Easter story, to meet the creative needs of preschoolers.
Bring in crosses, one per child, that are pre-cut from heavy cardboard so the preschoolers don't have to cut them. Having a variety of different colored objects on the table for them to glue in place on the cross lets them show their creative side. Ideas for decorations include jelly beans, dried beans, different shaped pasta or buttons. A snack time of twisted pretzels presents an opportunity to discuss unleavened bread and how the twisted pretzel represents praying hands. - Genesis 6-9:17 tells the story of Noah and his family. It might be a little lengthy detailed to keep the attention of preschool-age children; keep their interest by reading instead a storybook that paraphrases the story.
The story ends with a rainbow, symbolizing God's promise to humankind. A coloring page of a rainbow is an appropriate activity; post an example where the children can see it, as they will not know the order of the colors in the rainbow. Animal crackers for a snack will be a reminder of the other parts of the story. - To read the story of the fishes and the loaves, navigate to Mark 6:30-44. Bring in pre-cut fish shapes and 1-inch square pieces of pre-cut tissue paper in a variety of colors. Demonstrate crumpling up the squares of tissue paper and gluing them onto the cardboard fish. Have the children glue on big, wiggly eyes as a final addition, giving them something they can take home to remind them of the story during the week. Goldfish crackers are a good snack to accompany this activity.
Noah's Ark
The Fishes & the Loaves