How to Make an Educational Flip Book
- 1). Draw an image that represents the background on each sheet of paper, making each drawing as identical as possible.
- 2). Draw the moving object so that it starts at one point on the first page, and then shifts to a slightly different position on each following page. For example, the flip book could show an apple attached to a tree on the first page and then show it gradually falling -- perhaps onto Newton’s head on the last page.
- 3). Arrange the pictures on top of each other, with the first one in the animation's chronology at the bottom and the final image on top.
- 4). Staple the left edges of the pages together. Staple as close as possible to the edges, so the entire picture can be seen on each page.
- 5). Hold the book with the stapled side on the left. Pinch all the pages at the unstapled side of the flip book, and pull them toward the left. Then release the pages one at a time. The flip book should show the animation going in the right chronology. If not, remove the staples, reorganize the pages and re-staple the book.