What to Do If Your Boss Is a Nightmare
- You can lose jobs that you think are secure in both good and bad economies. The prospect of losing your job can be stressful if you think your boss's difficult behavior is a prelude to firing or laying you off, or if you find that you can no longer work under your current supervision. By keeping your resume up to date and your eye on professional job listings, you can have the confidence of knowing that you are ready to hit the job market running. This way you can respond to nightmare boss by expediting your pursuit of other professional opportunities, and not wait until your back is against the wall.
- Don't just fume about your boss if he is acting difficult -- keep records. Keep a journal, hold onto the e-mails he sends to you, and get as many of your interactions in writing as you can. While a boss simply being hard on you is something you may have to just deal with, actions that cross lines of professional or ethical conduct could put your own professional career in limbo. Consequently, keeping a record of your interactions with your boss can help if you do find yourself needing to defend yourself professionally or if you have to report your boss for crossing a line.
- You boss pressing you for results is pretty much what the company is paying him to do. While your company's human resources department cannot provide much help if this is the case, they are an invaluable resource if your boss's behavior branches into discrimination or intimidation to create a hostile work environment. If this is the case, make a report to human resources. Having records to document your complaint increases the ability for the human resources department to effectively respond.
- No matter how bad your current boss is, you can't let him hurt your future career. If you do something that gets you fired, or quit without proper notice, your next interviewer is not likely to understand that it's your boss's fault for being a nightmare. Regardless of if you plan on staying in your current position, reporting your boss to human resources or finding another job, you need to maintain your professionalism at all times for the sake of your own career.
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