Anti-Aging - Exercise & Stretch to Stay Young
both the joints and the muscles.
Isn't it time we look at anti-aging and exercise but more importantly...
stretching? We tire faster, our bodies don't repair themselves as quickly as when we were younger, our metabolism slows, etc.
Everyone needs to exercise as it helps with the, well, everything.
It seems no one really stresses the importance of "stretching".
Before any workout at all, specialists always insist upon it but even if you skip the exercise always stretch.
It is clear as day that many mature adults' bodies become less flexible where they can't turn their heads equally to each side, or reach far enough to comb their hair or wash their backs.
More often than not it is related to a lack of stretching, or movement.
With your doctor's consent of course, you should begin as soon as possible.
Almost everyone starts their day with a quick extending of the arms before getting out of bed; just take it a few steps further: Stand with legs straight, (first withlegs together and then apart) and reach for the stars;
- From there, with legs apart and armsextended, reach to each side;
- Whether in standing position orsitting down with legs extended try to touch your toes (you'll noticewithin days you will reach further with less bend in your knees;
- With arm over your head, bent at theelbow, use your opposite hand to help push elbow back thus stretchingtricep and extending your reach to shoulder blades;
- tilt your head side to side keepingyour shoulder in same position or pushing downward;
- turn your head side to side severaltimes slowly
- hold your hands at chest level witharms extended reaching forward (with arms only, not bending forward) thusloosening shoulder muscles;
- try to grasp your hands togetherbehind your back and hold it for a few moments; if you are having troublewith this exercise, don't worry, a little more stretch each day will helpuntil you can.
As we age, we have to stretch to maintain our flexibility and our independence.
Independence, you say?Yes.
If we can't move enough to wash ourselves or comb our hair, then we depend on someone to help us with daily life.
Flexibility allows us to walk properly, and walking properly exhibits a youthful flair.