Women"s Problems With Patriarchal Societies
Many of these men also agree that a good woman’s duty is to serve man. Ironic, one side respect for women and a promise of protection but on the other an ‘if’ those good women serve. Defining a good woman is limiting women to a gender specific role of service. Do women define good men? Most men assume that the ‘Macho Man’ who stands for his principles and protects women is the ideal man, and assume that works for women as well. Though it is naïve to assume that all men think a certain way and subject women to some form of objectification at all times. But many women have a problem with the ‘possession’, as if they were the property of men.
It may seem a little far fetched to say that once women are considered as a possession they will soon be considered as commodities and traded for something better (not the definition of a prostitute) but are women not forced to compromise in every situation that calls for a sacrifice? It may be argued that there was freedom of choice and the woman made it herself and so has to bear the consequences. The concept of possession leads one to assume ownership, do men own women? Does anyone have the right to own another person? In the 1800’s and with slavery they did. Now things are very different and everyone living in a civil society is supposed to have equal rights.
Do men think women are equal to them? Hope some man can answer that without demeaning women, seems improbable though. The feminist movement may not have had an immediate impact on society and might seem to be passé but it poses some very valid questions. Does a woman need to work harder than a man to be regarded as an equal? Most of which, as a man I can not answer. Though there has been a significant change in the attitude of men towards women in the 21st century, there is still a long way to go before women can be equal to men. The question is not whether women are allowed to be equal (that would not serve the purpose as men have to be superior to allow) but accepted as equal.