7 Easy Steps To Side-Wiring an Outlet
When installing an electrical outlet, there are two ways to attach the wires to the outlet.
One method is to back wire the electrical outlet. But side wiring is considered to be the "classic" technique for attaching the wire, if only because this is the original method. Side wiring does have its advantages, chief being that it tends to grip the wires a bit tighter.
First step is to loosen the screw without removing it.
I've never been that adept, and often the screw pops out. Not to worry. It's not easy to get the screw back in, but it can be done.
Option #1--Bend Wire with Screwdriver
Some screwdrivers--I use the Klein products--have a little nub parallel to the screwdriver's shaft that allows you to bend the wire into a loop.
This is not my favored method, as I can never get the loop just the way I want it. But I know a lot of people like it.
When bending it, don't close the loop.
Option #2--Bend Loop with Pliers
I find I have more control when I use a pair of needle-nose pliers.
Again: don't close the loop.
Set Wire in Place
Place the loop so that it encircles the screw hole. You may have to push the wire down with the flat of a screwdriver to get it to sit flat on the surface. If the wire is gnarled and bumpy, you won't get the screw into the hole.
Screw the Wire Down
Screw down the wire. If the wire still isn't flattened down, it's sometimes possible to force it down when screwing it in.
Make sure the wire is staying under the head of the screw. Sometimes it works its way out, so that it's no longer held by the screw.
Stop just short of screwing it in hard. Check your loop again.
If the loop is not closed, you need to take this opportunity to force the loop closed. Use a flathead screwdriver. This step also helps to further force the wire under the head of the screw.
Also make sure that the loop is pointing clockwise. The reason for this is that you want the loop to close up when you tighten the screw.
Finally, for demonstration purposes, I have stripped back a generous amount of insulation from the wire.
When you strip back wire, I recommend stripping back the bare minimum that will have contact with the screw.
Now screw the wire down very firmly. A finished side wired electrical outlet should have a fully-looped wire tightly held under the head of the screw. A firm experimental tug should ensure that the wire won't pull out under the strain of installing the outlet.