Tenants' Rights on Breaking Apartment Leases
- In many states, landlord-tenant law includes a special provision for military service. If you have to move suddenly due to deployment or relocation, the landlord may have to terminate your lease agreement. Some states put a limit on the rights of members of the military. For example, you new station must be several miles from your current apartment, making it impossible for you to commute.
- Some state laws allow you to terminate your lease if you have safety concerns. For example, Tenant's Legal Center reports that California renters can terminate a lease if they become a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault. You may have to pay a fee to terminate you lease. For example, the laws may require that you pay an additional month's rent before ending your lease. You will also need to provide proof of police reports or other documentation.
- You may have the right to terminate your lease if your landlord refuses to make a repair that effects your ability to live in the apartment. For example, if the landlord will not make repairs that involve safety or health concerns. You will have to prove your landlord's negligence and that you made several attempts to contact your landlord regarding the repair in writing.
- Your lease agreement may state other options you have for terminating your apartment lease. For example, many landlords allow current tenants to sublet their apartment. With a sublet, you will need to find a suitable tenant to take over the remainder of your lease. The landlord will hold you responsible if the tenant damages the apartment or does not pay the rent. You may also have to pay a fee to add a sublet, depending on the terms in your lease agreement.
Military Service