Judd-stice Is Blind
Ashley Judd can certainly not be accused of using her God given brain. At least not without causing me to laugh at anyone who would make such a claim. Just a few days ago she stood up in front of NARAL, a group that thinks murdering babies in the womb is cool, and completely flushed with excitement over the election of President Obama said that is was, "so nice to live in America again." Yes, aborting babies and paying for such activities around the world now with the revocation of the Mexico City Policy, something so important that President Obama had to do it as one of his first acts in the White House, makes us "America again." I guess I missed that as a standard of what America was formed to be in the Declaration of Independence. But I am sure that Ms. Judd could explain how it really does exist as a cornerstone of American principles and beliefs once her orgasm brought on by the election of Barack Obama subsides though.
I wonder if perhaps she is also one of those women who are having dreams about having sex with the new President? Hey, it is not unusual. It apparently happened all the time during the Clinton Administration. I guess suave socialists make women horny and cause them to think with things other than their brains.
Well, undeterred by anything remotely resembling a rational though, Ashley Judd is moving right along and no longer content to simply pontificate on the glory of abortions. She has moved her sights now to Governor Sarah Palin and continues her derangement. Such strategy was spelled out clearly in the marching orders given after the election; Sarah Palin survived and she must be destroyed politically lest she rise again in 2012 to challenge the Messiah.
How else can you explain her stark raving lunacy over Sarah Palin daring to endorse the aerial culling of wolves in Alaska? Remember, this is a woman that gets excited about murdering babies for Heaven's sake! But when it comes to wolves that are running rampant in the Alaskan wilderness, threatening human beings and their property, as well as other animal herds, well that is where Ms. Judd draws the line!
Ok, so to summarize, according to Ms. Judd, killing human babies is good; killing wolves is bad.
Judd's campaign against Governor Palin comes in conjunction with the Defenders of Wildlife, a group of animal rights activists that rank right up there on the insanity scale with the World Wildlife Fund. You know who they are. They are that group that could not tell you the truth about polar bears if their lives depended on it. That is because their pocket books get fatter every time they tell you a lie about drowning polar bears. So not to be outdone in the realm of radical idiocy, Defenders of Wildlife have found themselves an all too willing dupe in one Ashley Judd whom they believe has celebrity enough to take their cause to a higher level. The group accuses Palin of, "casting aside science and championing the slaughter of wildlife."
Gee, I don't know, looks to me like science certainly is not being "cast aside" by those hunting the wolves. They are, after all, using guns and vehicles which were created with much scientific experimentation to perform this feat. If the claim by Defenders of Wildlife were true, that science was being "cast aside," one would expect to see Governor Palin out in the wilderness attempting to use imaginary Jedi-like mind powers to strangle the wolves at a distance would you not?
In fact, if anyone is casting aside science it would appear to be Ashley Judd herself! Simple principles of biology teach what life is and it teaches us that once fertilized that little egg is indeed human life. It is she that is indeed the one running around "casting aside" this simple and clear science to endorse the killing, well - murder to be completely accurate, of children simply because why again? Because they are not wanted? Because they are not outside the womb? Well slap me silly and call me Shirley! I must have missed those two newly added caveats to the definition of life! Hey, I know that the facts are stubborn things but they are still the facts Ms. Judd and all you kooks at Defenders of Wildlife.
Ms. Judd has even lent her voice to a video depicting the act of killing the wolves as not a nice thing to do. But one thing you have not seen Ms. Judd do is voice a commercial showing children being aborted and proudly talking about how great the procedure is. Perhaps Ms. Judd could get a large screen and stand before it as children are forcibly removed from the womb and worse? Perhaps Ms. Judd could narrate as the blood and guts come out of the woman's body as the child inside her is murdered? Maybe she could even then go into a rant about how oh so right this sort of procedure is and then cut right to scenes of the wolf kills in Alaska and explain how right those are?
Do not count on it because Ashley Judd is certainly smart enough to know that such a display would go over like a lead balloon. And she certainly does not want her blindness to the truth and her own hypocrisy to be on display to be questioned in public. But she will gladly go up before any friendly crowd she can find that will not question her illogic and that swoon over her words like lemmings leaping off a cliff into oblivion while cutting commercials decrying others to make herself feel like she is a superior being.
Ideology blinds many people. The life of a wolf is not more important than the life of a child. It is far, far less important and it is shameful that anyone would promote otherwise. Now watch your step. It appears that all of Ms. Judd's uncontrollable gushing has left a few damp spots on the floor. Do not step in them. They are very slippery.
I wonder if perhaps she is also one of those women who are having dreams about having sex with the new President? Hey, it is not unusual. It apparently happened all the time during the Clinton Administration. I guess suave socialists make women horny and cause them to think with things other than their brains.
Well, undeterred by anything remotely resembling a rational though, Ashley Judd is moving right along and no longer content to simply pontificate on the glory of abortions. She has moved her sights now to Governor Sarah Palin and continues her derangement. Such strategy was spelled out clearly in the marching orders given after the election; Sarah Palin survived and she must be destroyed politically lest she rise again in 2012 to challenge the Messiah.
How else can you explain her stark raving lunacy over Sarah Palin daring to endorse the aerial culling of wolves in Alaska? Remember, this is a woman that gets excited about murdering babies for Heaven's sake! But when it comes to wolves that are running rampant in the Alaskan wilderness, threatening human beings and their property, as well as other animal herds, well that is where Ms. Judd draws the line!
Ok, so to summarize, according to Ms. Judd, killing human babies is good; killing wolves is bad.
Judd's campaign against Governor Palin comes in conjunction with the Defenders of Wildlife, a group of animal rights activists that rank right up there on the insanity scale with the World Wildlife Fund. You know who they are. They are that group that could not tell you the truth about polar bears if their lives depended on it. That is because their pocket books get fatter every time they tell you a lie about drowning polar bears. So not to be outdone in the realm of radical idiocy, Defenders of Wildlife have found themselves an all too willing dupe in one Ashley Judd whom they believe has celebrity enough to take their cause to a higher level. The group accuses Palin of, "casting aside science and championing the slaughter of wildlife."
Gee, I don't know, looks to me like science certainly is not being "cast aside" by those hunting the wolves. They are, after all, using guns and vehicles which were created with much scientific experimentation to perform this feat. If the claim by Defenders of Wildlife were true, that science was being "cast aside," one would expect to see Governor Palin out in the wilderness attempting to use imaginary Jedi-like mind powers to strangle the wolves at a distance would you not?
In fact, if anyone is casting aside science it would appear to be Ashley Judd herself! Simple principles of biology teach what life is and it teaches us that once fertilized that little egg is indeed human life. It is she that is indeed the one running around "casting aside" this simple and clear science to endorse the killing, well - murder to be completely accurate, of children simply because why again? Because they are not wanted? Because they are not outside the womb? Well slap me silly and call me Shirley! I must have missed those two newly added caveats to the definition of life! Hey, I know that the facts are stubborn things but they are still the facts Ms. Judd and all you kooks at Defenders of Wildlife.
Ms. Judd has even lent her voice to a video depicting the act of killing the wolves as not a nice thing to do. But one thing you have not seen Ms. Judd do is voice a commercial showing children being aborted and proudly talking about how great the procedure is. Perhaps Ms. Judd could get a large screen and stand before it as children are forcibly removed from the womb and worse? Perhaps Ms. Judd could narrate as the blood and guts come out of the woman's body as the child inside her is murdered? Maybe she could even then go into a rant about how oh so right this sort of procedure is and then cut right to scenes of the wolf kills in Alaska and explain how right those are?
Do not count on it because Ashley Judd is certainly smart enough to know that such a display would go over like a lead balloon. And she certainly does not want her blindness to the truth and her own hypocrisy to be on display to be questioned in public. But she will gladly go up before any friendly crowd she can find that will not question her illogic and that swoon over her words like lemmings leaping off a cliff into oblivion while cutting commercials decrying others to make herself feel like she is a superior being.
Ideology blinds many people. The life of a wolf is not more important than the life of a child. It is far, far less important and it is shameful that anyone would promote otherwise. Now watch your step. It appears that all of Ms. Judd's uncontrollable gushing has left a few damp spots on the floor. Do not step in them. They are very slippery.