How to Install a Pump for Crop Watering From a Pond
- 1). Arrange the concrete blocks on a flat area close to the pond. The blocks should make a flat and sturdy surface -- a pump platform -- from which the pump will sit. Put the pump and motor on the pump platform.
- 2). Install conduit from an electrical source to the pump platform and run the wiring through the conduit. Ensure the electrical power source is turned off or isolated, and connect the wiring to the source. On the other end of the wire, connect the pump’s motor to the wiring. Refer to the pump’s manual for correct wiring configuration.
- 3). Install the suction hose to the inlet of the pump. This is typically a screw-type connection. Screw the suction hose into the pump. Place the screen-end of the suction hose into the pond so that there is sufficient water covering the end of the hose.
- 4). Connect the outlet of the pump to the irrigation system. Reconnect the power and test the pump. The pump should have an on and off switch and should suck the water from the pond and transport it to the irrigation system.