Network Marketing, Do You Make These 3 Common Marketing Mistakes?
If you want to take the fun right out of your new business, go out and try to sell people. Selling and marketing are two completely different animals. Selling involves getting people to do what you want; it's very difficult and few are good at it.
Marketing is about finding, supplying and filling a need. If everyone could just go to their family, friends and neighbors and create a need for their product or service we all would have retired years ago. Finding people who have a need for what you want is what marketing is about.
It's a numbers game
Well, yes and no, many network marketing companies teach you to go out and €SELL€ your product and services to anyone who will listen. Other words they convince you that you have to reach the whole world. Just do the numbers, and you will succeed. Been there done that, you can find a little business this way, but its like climbing Mount Everest to make a sell.
You do not have to reach the whole world to be successful. Only 2 to 5% of the people you market to will benefit from your offer. This simple little fact will make you rich by focusing on a select group of people and training others in your organization to duplicate your success.
Today's Technology
The third common mistake of marketing opportunities or products stems around the Internet. Business builders are told that all you have to do is create a website which most companies provide, and watch the money roll in.
Think about this if it a company could just put up a website why would they need you?
Relationship building is what marketing is about; people respond to your offer because they have a need; they will buy and remain a part of your business because of you.
The Right Way
Let's go back to Mount Everest, if you climb all the way to the top, after all that work there won't be many if anyone up there to talk too. Now at the scenic lookout for Mount Everest on the highway, hundreds of people stop every day to take in the mountain view. You just position yourself at the look out with your offer and let the ones who have a need ask for your help.
Avoid these three common marketing mistakes by targeting your market, positioning yourself as an expert and solving people's problems. And you will be successful at marketing, your network marketing business.